Friday, February 18, 2011

I Know who I am….A daughter of God….who loves me….and I love him

Its crazy how your life can go upside down in such a short period of time. God has truly stretched his arm out to me. After my spiritual experience that I told you about in my previous blog post, my weekend was more spiritual! After that day at work, where I could not explain the emotions I was going through, I went home, and hung around. I thought about everything that I had on my mind the night before. When it came time to get to bed, I went in my bed and began to read my scriptures, and pray. As I was praying, I got this strong feeling. Well this feeling was the exact feeling that came upon me when I was receiving my patriarchal blessing. The feeling that I was floating, and that I was in some other place. I was well aware of what the feeling was…the spirit of God. I began to cry, and talked to the Lord like I would with a friend. I asked for comfort and help. Immediately I got another feeling, but this time it wasn’t the same feeling. It was a feeling of my Dad sitting right next to me. A feeling of him saying…I LOVE YOU! And tell your mother I LOVE HER TOO! I cried myself to sleep that night. I had an over whelming feeling of love and comfort. At that moment I KNEW for myself that God and my Dad have always been there. Its an amazing feeling to feel like even though your father has pasted on, you can still feel him near, and know that he loves you. For the first in a long time, I am honestly happy of the person I am. I feel good about the decisions I am making. I find myself a lot happier now because of what happened. If I wouldn’t have had those amazing experiences, I wouldn’t have ever made the great decision that I made, and I would still be struggling and would be unhappy. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about how grateful, and happy I am! The Lord is always there, it’s just the matter of you letting him through your door, and accepting him in your life. If we accept him, he wont let go. But we must do our best and show Heavenly Father that we are willing to do what it takes. . There is a song by Rascal Flatts that I love and reminds me of this...
“I Wont Let Go”

Its like a storm, it cuts a path,
it breaks your will , it feels like that
You think your lost, but your not lost on your own,
your not alone.
I will stand by you, I will help you through,
when you have done all you can do,
and you cant cope.
I will dry your eyes, I will fight your fight,
I will hold you tight and I wont let go.
It hurts my heart to see you cry,
I know its dark, this part of life,
Oh, it find us all, were to small to stop the rain,
Oh but when it rains,
I will stand by you, I will help you through,
when you have done all you can do,
and you cant cope,
I will dry your eyes, I will fight your fight,
I will hold you tight and I wont let you fall,
don’t be afraid to fall,
I’m right here to catch you, I wont let you down,
it wont get you down, your gonna make it,
Yeah, I know you can make it,
cause I will stand by you, I will help you through,
when you have done all you can do,
and you cant cope,
I will dry your eyes, I will fight your fight,
I will hold you tight, and I wont let go,
Oh, I’m gonna hold you and I wont let go.
Wont let you go,
No I wont!


  1. That was amazing. IT made me cry but really gave me hope, especially tonight where I haven't felt as negative about life as right now. Good that you wrote your experiences down because you can look back on it during rough times and remember. I love you and can't wait to see you tomorrow.
    I'm so proud of you and the person you've become, I wish you could understand. You're an amazing, beautiful young woman who has her head screwed on straight.

  2. That's really amazing shelb! Love you

  3. I loved the way you percieved what was taking place. Practice makes perfect! It's not always as clear when the spirit speaks to you. ALWAYS stop and listen and contemplate the feelings you have.
    Love you, Les
