Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Sacred Grove

This past week I went to New York with my Mom and Brother, and the Demars family.
This trip was amazing! I loved it. We got the chance to go to the Sacred Grove, and many other church sites around there, also in Ohio too! But what standed out the most to me was the Sacred Grove. Being there in the sacred grove it gave me a feeling of peace! As we walked around, I had my phone in my pocket. I had music by Paul Cardall playing. Peaceful music, that definitely set the mood! I started thinking about what went on in this grove, and the miracles that happened. It made me think of my own life, and the impact it had on me! Where would I be in my life, if Joseph Smith never questioned his faith? If he never thought to open the bible and read that one scripture. I am eternally indebted to Joseph. He is my Hero! So as I thought of this in the Sacred Grove, I gained a greater appreciation for what he did! We got to a point in the grove where there was a bench, we all sat down and Kent began to read the story of Joseph. What an amazing spirit that brought! As he closed up the story, he bore his testimoney, then my mom did...after she finished we sat there in silence. My mom was looking at my brother and me, with the look of shoud bare your testimony. We sat there for about 5 minutes, till i began to speak! I expressed my feelings about how I felt about seeing the grove and being there! It made me sad to think of all those people out there who dont know the truth! Who dont know the happiness they could feel. I want everyone to have to truth and happiness that I have in my have someone to turn to in a time of trial and affliction. I am so grateful to have that in my life, and I have Joseph Smith to thank...and all those men and women who stood on his side! I love them so dearly! I cant ever express the gratitude in my heart for the wonderful blessing I have in my life to have to True Gospel!
May we all follow in Josephs footsteps and reach out to others, to show them and preach to them, the happiness of the True and Only church...The Church Of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints!!

1 comment:

  1. yeah son! i loved the music playin too. sacred nature.. definitely set the mood. haha. i'm very jealous you got to go there, i think it'd be sweet to to the sacred grove. i'm glad you had fun && a good experience. miss you already!!

    ♥ xoxo.

    pay it forward
