Thursday, December 3, 2009

Memories that mean the World!

We all have memories, some good, and some bad. I wanted to tell about some memories of those that I love the most.

My dad and I have the most wonderful memories together. Probably so many that I cant remember most of them, so for all those who may have some memories of my dad and I please let me now. That would mean so much to me. One of the memories that really stand out to me is when my dad would always give me rides on our AWESOME motorcycles. He would ride up and down the driveway, at times i would even be sleeping in his lap on our rides. To this day my motorcycles are my most favorite thing to do!

Another memory is when my dad would come home from work, my brother and I would hurry and clean up the bottom of the stairs so that he wouldn't trip and yell, because we all knew that would be very unpleasant. After doing that we would run upstairs in the  family room to get ready to have our daily routine of taking off his boots and sock. My dad would sit down and right as he sat, Kyle and I would start to race to see who could get it done the fastest. Then after we would just sit there with him while he watched his golfing shows.

There was another time, where my dad would be sitting in the family room doing what he usually does, Kyle and I would be chasing eachother around the house fighting. Well we both knew the limit with my dad, and that e would not tolerate our fighting. So when I would want Kyle to stop chasing me and hurting me I would just run toward the family room and stop and walk quietly and sit by my dad, then Kyle being very oblivious he woul run in and get yelled at for being obnoxious. While I, the sweet innocent one was sitting by his side, hugging him, while laughing histarically.

There was one time where I was actually getting ready for school, and I was sitting on one of our stools, and many times before my dad always told me to never lean on the chairs, but did I listen? NO! So one morning I was leaning on it and BOOM, I fell right off the chair and hit my head on the cabinet behind me, and immediately the thought came to my head, SHOOT my dads going to get pissed at me, and what you know all of a sudden I here him say, "SHELBY!!!, and I answered back, yes, in a small quiet voice just waiting to get in huge trouble, he said back" Are you ok!? That was it, I thought I was going to be killed, but my dad so sweetly asked if i was ok.

I will never forget the last time I ever left the house with him. One saturday, I was sitting on my porch with my mom trying to figure out what to do. Well while sitting there for a little while, my dad come running up the driveway and starts yelling my name. SHELBY!!!  As he got closer and closer, than finally was in front of me, I replied, What? And softly he said, Wanna go get a sonic. And of course I said yes! So I went with him and ordered some drinks. To this day everytime I go to sonic, I always get the same exact thing, EVERYTIME!

I also remember that almost every night when I would go in to day goodnight to my mom and dad, I would lean over and give them a kiss, but after giving my dad his kiss he would always want a back rub, so rubbing his back almost became a routine of saying good night. I used to love giving him back rubs, it was nice to have our bonding time. Which i am now so grateful we had.

I really have had a ton of fun memories with my dad and have many more, I miss him so much and would like him to know that I love him so dearly!


Well Amanda and me, we've got memories of gallore. We have been friends for our whole lives so, we know each other by heart and spsend most of our time together.

So one memory that comes to mind first is when Amanda and me were little kiddies. We would always go outside with Amanda's karoke machine, and sing our hearts out and sometime even make up some awesome, cheesy dances also. Like our one dance that her sister Rachel helped us make up. It was to the song, Only Hope, from the soundtrack of the Walk to Remember. That was hilarious, I think we even performed infront of some of the neighbor kids.

Another fantastic memory of me and her was playing the upside down ryhming game. Amanda has some bars outside in her back yard and we would always go out there and hang upside down on one of the bars together and would just say a random word, then try to rhym that word with as many as we could think of, and while doing it, we were laughing histarically, non stop!

Amanda and me had a lot of outside games that we loved to play like the shoe game! Oh that was a classic. We played that game till we were like 15. Its where we would go on her swings and once we got swinging pretty high we could count back from five and on one we would kick our shoes off and see who could kick it the farthest, and of course Amanda loved torturing me so she would kick it on her roof and I would have to climb a freaking tree and get the stupid shoe. It happened several times. But that game was a blast!

We also used to play tether ball all the time, we would get so into it and laugh so much that we would end up peeing our pants, and really we did pee our pants once or maybe twice. But when we played we were not nice to eachother. We always seemed to hit each other on the head or something like that. Gotta love tether ball.

So of course we had so many memories growing up but some recent ones that have happened are, Road Kill of that was great fun. What we did was, during the summer, we would go over to wasatch, and would take turns laying on the side of the road, like half way on the curb, and one of us would act dead, while the other was hiding to watch the cars pass by, our goal with this game was trying to get strange reactions and to get people to pull over, and we sure did. It was funny. Our record that still hold to this day is seven cars in one night. AWESOME RIGHT! Ya were retarded. I think we have a death wish or somethin.

Ok so another thing that we do right now is screaming at people in our cars. We would be driving around, and see some innocent people walking around and we would roll down our windows and scream at them to see the reactions, and it is so funny to watch how scared people get!!

We have tons and tons i could go on for hours so thats all for now.


Even though I dont have as many as I wish I had with Sid we still have quite a bit.

Sid and I always have fun together. We are like Bro and Sis. I love having punching wars with him. Its so grand. I remember one night when Amanda, Alex, Sid and I went to a park and Sid taught me how to two step, which is awesome cuz I was always jealous, watching all them do these cool dances that I did not know how to do.

I remember the night that we were over at Amanda's house and I beat him at pool like so many times, I dont think that Sid could ever catch up to me. Sorry Sid but its true hahaha!

I remember Black friday night Shopping with him and Mandy, That was fun, he helped me pick some awesome shirts for kyle's birthday. Thanks Sid.

Well there are a lot more but they just havent popped in my mind. But I love Sid and am going to miss him terribly when he leaves on a mission.

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