Sunday, December 20, 2009

Blessings in my life!!!

Christmas is coming just around the corner, and I just love the joy it brings! Its a great time to be thankful for what we have.
Things that I am grateful for are:

The Church of Jesus Christ, being in the gospel has been one of the biggest blessings in my life. I can't even imagine what i'd be like without it. To think that I could be doing drugs, drinking, or even being immoral, and possibly pregnant, makes me happy to say, i have chosen the right path, and am living the kind of life i know my Heavenly Father wants me to. This Gospel has made me realize a lot of thing. Just knowing there is life after death. Especially for me, knowing I can see my dad again. I don't understand how people could get through life thinking, ill never see them again, but YOU CAN! I am so grateful for that knowledge!

I am Grateful for my Dad. He is my hero, and the light in my life. Even though i didnt get to know my dad as well as I wished,  what he did for me while he was still here was amazing. He had a huge impact on me, and thats why im where i am now. Even now and forever will he be that example, even if i can hear him, i can still feel him, and even sometimes cuz feel his hugs when that bad day comes around. Im so grateful to know that he is there for me, even when he's not seen.

My mom, WOW, she is amazing! She does so much for me day after day. She has to put up with my crap all the time, and that sometimes can be a tuffy. Im so grateful that she's my mom. There is no other mom that can compare to her. She is so strong and loving. She can always put a smile on my face. I am also so grateful for the wonderful things she provides me with, a home, food, and many other things that keep me strong and healthy. She does such a great job! I love you Mom, thank you!!

My sisters! I love them. They always keep me in line on those days where I may not look or smell so good, to the days that I have stupid boy trouble and am bawling. I know that I can always trust them. They are always so willing to do anything for me. They are so much fun to be around to. They just make you so happy, sometimes they make you laugh so hard you can't breath. I love them.

My Bro, he is my bestest friends ever, I love hanging out with my brother, even if it means I have to hang out with his dorky friends at the movie theatres.  Being around kyle is always fun, we always have a blast terrorizing on each other, punching and wrestling and what not, the bruises are always worth it. He's a great brother, and wouldn't ever trade him for any thing.

My BFF, Amanda! Being friends with her has been a great big blessing, She makes me realize how fragile and precious friendships are. We have made great memories and don't know what i'd do without her. She completes me. I am so grateful for her and the love, and craziness she brings to my life. My life would basically be sorta boring without her. She my Lil sis. Love you mand!

Sid, man he's like another brother to me. He's so much fun to be around. He's fun to terrorize too. I am so grateful for his friendship, he's made me realize how special the church really is, seeing his faith makes me wanna be so much stronger. He is such a great guy! I am so thankful to be able to share a friendship with him!

Kent, He is like another dad to me. He is also one of my Best Friends. We talk to each other about everything. I love him so dearly. He does tons for me. Taking me in like his own daughter and spending all that time together on the porch swing, talking for hours. I love it. I am so grateful to have him as my "Dad". I love you Kent. I couldn't live without ya!

I am grateful for so much, for everything I have, things I will get, trials, friends, school, work and much much more!! And want to share with everyone, especially during the Christmas season as we think of the true meaning of christmas, all that i'm thankful for!!

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