Saturday, September 10, 2011


Monday, September 5th
in tooele.
Kyle, Mark, & I

Probably the most epic thing I have ever done!

So this is how the day went down!
First Mark came over to my house,
i made some delicious crepes with fresh fruit....they were delicious!
Then we went off on our way to tooele!
When we got there at 12, unfortunetly we had to wait a really long time.
We had to watch a rediculous training weird!
Then we had to just sit around and wait till our time was up.
In the mean time...
We played on the demo plane
got a few sexy shots
After a while, my mom suprised Mark, by paying for him to go skydiving!
(He was only planning on watchig)
So he got pretty excited!
Then it came time to when we were about ready to go up!
We met our instructors and they harnessed us up!
My instructor was da bomb!!
We were all done harnessing up, and on our way to meet the plane!
We piled inside, and were ready to take off!
Probably one of the scariest plane rides ive been in!
The weather wasnt all that great, it was. It was a bit cloudy.
As we were flying up there, we were just about where we needed to be,
and all of a sudden we had some turbulence.
The plane dropped a lil bit, Scared the poop outta me!
But we were good. We flew up a lil more and were finally high enough.
It was time to Jump :P
I wasnt even that nervous yet, which was suprising!
But once it was my turn to jump out, we scooted towards the door
and thats when i got super nervous!
We started to rock back and forth.
Before I knew it, I was flying in the air!
It was so freaking Awesome!!
It was a lil hard to breath at first, until my chute came out!
Then my instructor let me control us, and we did some 360's
Gotta say that was the best time ever!
When we landed, we just slid on our tooshes!
I got a lot of grass down my pants,
Not a happy feeling!

I will always remember that experience, it was so fun!
I wanna go again so bad!



1 comment:

  1. Wow!!! What a fun memory!! Would have like to have seen that.
